October 2024
Construction awarded to Pike. Site mobilization occurred with equipment and trailers. Other site activities included: site survey, addition/repair of chain link fence and silt fence, repair of the chain link fence screen, and glub clearance.
February 2023
CTE Programming
CTE Programming work continues. New programs are being planned in alignment with labor trends, projected job market, and student interest. Some possibilities include early childhood education, HVAC, plumbing, business and marketing, computer gaming/P-Tech and veterinary science.
The programs planned to relocate to the new CTE building are
Auto Body, Cosmetology, Computer Science & Coding, Auto Technology, Construction, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Electrical, Emergency Management, Engineering & Architecture, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Health Sciences, Photography, Video Production, Welding, Barbering, and Nutrition & Alternative Medicine
CTE Center Construction
Site work was completed in Spring 2022. Our Architecture Firm, CPL, is working on exterior facade design modifications to better align to NFA Main. They are also reworking interior space to maximize instructional space and labs for students. The BOE will receive an update March 28th as the design is being finalized with planned submission to NYSED in May 2023 for their review and approval.
September 2022 - The team has value engineered the design to ensure the project comes within budget. Anticipated costs savings rough total $6,000,000.
Submission to SED is anticipated Mid October 2022. Anticipated approval in the Spring of 2023.
Current status of site is stable and monitored. Architect is working on changes to façade and interior spaces. Some notable changes are: Changes to façade material types, function of the interior spaces, infill of atrium to add more curriculum space, rearrangement of parking to better accommodate staff and students
November 1, 2021 - Site work has begun.
January 26, 2021 - Exterior and interior concerptual drawings were shown at the BOE Meeting. The initial design phase is nearing completion.
December 10, 2020 - Extensive progress has been made in the final building footprint and site location as of November,2020. Geological testing and surveying are currently underway along with a second traffic study to determine the safety of the logistical flow once the building is operational. Exterior building design has recently started along with the conclusion of more definitive education planning sessions with the vocational instructional staff. Both building and site planning will continue into the first and possibly second quarter of 2021. At this time, final design development is projected for the last quarter of 2021. There is considerable site work to be performed which will be a scope priority for this building project.
In addition, demolition is scheduled for two abandoned buildings on the future site of the CTE Center.