New Windsor School Scholars Celebrate Black History Month with Songs and Presentations
Story by Ms. Lynch
Photos by NWS Media Team
PHOTOS | New Windsor School Scholars Celebrate Black History Month with Songs and Presentations
Order of Events included:
Welcome & MC: Ms. Lynch
Black History: Mr. Robinson and Aaliyah Khan from Ms. VanRiper’s class
Students from Ms. Lynch’s and Ms. Tiano’s classes:
- Jake Mata - James Baldwin
- Aiden Delgado - Alvin Ailey
- Robert Bolton - Miles Davis
Song: Newburgh’s Gospel, We Shall Overcome
Members: Shirlynn Stewart, Tatiana Thompson, Tyneisha Hill,
Norman Robinson
Students from Mr. Steel’s class:
- Zoey Dean - Jackie Robinson
- Eliana Cruz Lozano - Madame C.J. Walker
- Amir Shuab - Harriet Tubman
Song: Mrs. Merrill’s class directed and accompanied by Mrs. Petruncola
Students from Ms. Sorce & Ms. Farbent:
- Carter McClaney - Langston Hughes
- Ayan Martines - Martin Luther King Jr.
- Nyla Smith - Maya Angelou
Students from Ms. Benson’s class:
- Joseph Ross - Thurgood Marshall
- Jesse Kamgan - W.E.B DuBois
- Amora Melvin - Shirley Chisholm
Ms. Herrera and Mrs. Worrell’s class - It’s February, Black History Month
Student’s from Ms. Kennedy & Ms. Ramaglia’s class:
- Esteban Lopez - LeBron James
- Aria Cho - Michael Jordan
- Lovely Matthews - Aretha Franklin
Song: Newburgh’s Gospel, Going Up
Closing remarks: Mr. Camt