Tax Office
At your parcel information screen, you will see the total billed and any balance due. If there is a balance due, see the bottom of this page for payments after March 31st.
To access payments remitted to our office, click the “Tax Certification” tab. Payment information is available for the 2024-2025 and 2023-2024 school years. The date can be changed on your parcel information screen.
General Information
School tax bills are mailed around the beginning of September each year. Only one bill will be mailed. If a duplicate is needed, please contact the tax office or click on the link to the right. Failure to receive a bill does not in any way affect the due date of the tax or penalty prescribed by law. (RPT 922). If you no longer own the property listed, please call the tax office. If you have an escrow account, forward the bill to your mortgage company. Finally, we cannot accept partial payments of installments.
Payment Options
Online - Safe, Secure, and easy (Recommended)
Online at or the link to the right.
Electronic check (e-check) has a $1.50 per transaction fee.
Credit/debit card has a 2.65% convenience fee ($3 minimum)
Payments can be mailed to: Newburgh School Tax Office
124 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY 12550
In Person
Tax office is open 10 am - 3 pm, no appointment necessary.
Check are made payable to: NECSD *Please include your phone number on your check.
There is also a Secure DropBox located outside the library building at 124 Grand Street - available 24/7
PAYMENT IN FULL - no installment fee. Must be made on or before the 1st installment due date of October 7, 2024, to avoid penalties.
INSTALLMENTS - A $1.00 installment fee is automatically added to the 1st installment if this option is chosen. Each installment must be paid on or before its respective due date to avoid penalties.
1st Installment due October 7, 2024
2nd Installment due December 5, 2024
3rd Installment due March 5, 2025
Late Payments
A 1% penalty is assessed on the first day after the due date and on the first day of each month thereafter.
Installment | Date | Penalty |
1st Installment | Oct. 8-31 | Add 1% of the 1st installment only |
Nov. 1-30 | Add 2% of the 1st installment only | |
Dec. 1-31 | Add 3% of the 1st installment only | |
Jan. 1-31 | Add 4% of the 1st installment only | |
Feb. 1-28 | Add 5% of the 1st installment only | |
Mar. 1-31 | Add 6% of the 1st installment only | |
2nd Installment | Dec. 6-31 | Add 1% of the 2nd installment only |
Jan. 1-31 | Add 2% of the 2nd installment only | |
Feb. 1-28 | Add 3% of the 2nd installment only | |
Mar. 1-31 | Add 4% of the 2nd installment only | |
3rd Installment | Mar. 6-31 | Add 1% of the 3rd installment only |
Post Marks
We are legally bound by United States Postal postmarks or postmarks of accredited ground services (e.g. UPS, FedEx). Pitney Bowes (or any similar metering system) is NOT a legal postmark. If a payment arrives with a postmark that is not legal or without a postmark, it is considered paid on the day that it arrives in the tax office. (RPT 925)
Payments after March 31, 2025
After March 31, 2025 unpaid School Taxes will be handed over to the City of Newburgh Collector's Office (845-569-7330) for parcels located in the City of Newburgh or to the Commissioner of Finance (845 291-2480) for parcels outside of the City limits.
Check balance due
Calculate penalties
Verify payments made
Print tax certification
Remit payment
Contact Tax Collector
Cynthia Pinter, Tax Collector
Newburgh Free Library Building Lobby
124 Grand Street, Newburgh, NY 12550
Hours: Tax office is open 10:00 am - 3 pm, no appointment necessary.
Phone: (845) 563-3490
Fax: (845) 563-3496
Register for STAR
(518) 457-2036 | M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For eligibility on all exemptions please contact the Assessor's Office in your municipality.
City of Newburgh: (845) 569-7333
Town of Newburgh: (845) 564-4550
New Windsor: (845) 563-4632
Cornwall: (845) 534-7290
2024-2025 Tax Rates
*Per 1,000 in Taxable Assessed Value
City of Newburgh: $15.242002
Town of Newburgh: $73.991533
New Windsor: $143.254021
Cornwall: $23.387978