BOE Members

Ms. Christine M. Bello, BOE President
Years in District: Lifelong Newburgh resident
Employment: Owner: Chris-Dian Florist, 279 Broadway, Newburgh,NY
Graduate of NFA, Cum Laude graduate of SUNY Farmingdale, Registered Dental Hygienist
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
Single, no children
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On:
City of Newburgh Citizen’s Advisory Committee
City of Newburgh Ethics Board
Newburgh City Council
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one educational accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education member it would be……To increase the graduation and literacy rates of the school district.
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
Transparency on all issues especially regarding the expenditure of taxpayer dollars along with budget oversight. Ensuring a safe environment for all students, teachers and staff, policy review and development. Developing a shared vision and goals for the district with fellow board members and evaluating the Superintendent.

Ms. Victoria Bousche, BOE Vice-President
Years in District: 30
Employment: Administrator in healthcare
Education: N/A
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Son Jaxson 4 entering UPK
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On:
Never served on committees but have participated in various community outreach programs food pantry, meals on wheels covid clinics/vaccinations
Newburgh Athletics
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one educational accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education member it would be……To Increase the graduation and literacy rates.
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
- 1. Oversight of the district
- 2. Safety and Security of all students faculty and staff
- 3. Adherence to special education laws
- 4. Review and reconstruct policy
- 5. Engage in the community and ensure all taxpayers, residents, students are heard
- 6. Fiscal responsibility
- 7. Transparency

Ms. Thomasina A. Bello,
Years in District: 35
Employment: Intern at Chris-Dian Florist
Education: Graduate of NFA
Studied Business Administration at MSMC
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
no children
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On:
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one educational accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education member it would be……Ensuring all students are meeting educational goals and are proficient in literacy, thereby increasing the graduation rate.
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
Oversight and transparency. Taking a close and honest look at the policies and procedures in place that effect the quality of the curriculum in our district, with an emphasis on improving literacy and graduation rates.

Ms. Mackenzie Bousche
Years in District: 29
Employment: Senior Project Manager Full Time
Education: MBA St. Johns University
Term Expires: June 30, 2027
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On:
Various outreach programs over the years such as Habitat for humanity, meals on wheels, NFA United Basketball team
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one educational accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education member it would be……To raise the graduation rate, improve literacy among all students and ensure each student feels seen, valued and heard.
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
- 1. Literacy, specifically creation of HS learn to read at grade level program
- 2. Adherence to special education laws
- 3. Good fiscal responsibility and reduction of expenses
- 4. Success beyond compliance
- 5. ELL Advocacy

Mr. Ramiro Burgarelli
Years in District: 33
Employment: Field Engineer with Advance Network Services
Marlboro Central High School
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Sebastian/16/NFA Main
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On: N/A
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one education accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education Member it would be...
...Close the gap between the New York State graduation rate and that of NFA’s.
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
Safety of all the children of our district from the time they get on a bus til the time they are home off that bus. Creating a clear channel for communication for the teachers to be able to raise their concerns/needs without fear of retribution. Ensure all the children of our district to get the help they need to be successful scholars.

Mr. John Doerre
Years in District: 19
Employment: Director of Fleet Safety and EHS, Miller Environmental Group Inc.
Clarkstown S High School 1974,
Rockland Community College 1977
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
37 & 35
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On: Town of Newburgh Ethics Board
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one education accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education Member it would be... have parents and caretakers within the community play a greater role in the education of their children.
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
Providing educational skills that allow children to succeed in the 21st century. Less emphasis on constantly changing and divisive social issues and greater emphasis on lifelong skills. Create a great academic learning environment along with an environment that caters to those that may value a more vocational learning curriculum.

Mr. Philip Howard
Years in District: Lifelong
Employment: Retired City of Newburgh Fire Department
BA Adelphi University
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
Adam (31)
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On: Library Committee, Buildings & Grounds Committee, Curriculum Committee, Diversity Committee, Exceptional Learners Committee, Policy Committee, S.A.V.E. Committee, Re-Opening Task Force
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one education accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education Member it would be...
...that every scholar who attends our schools will graduate and receive their diploma at Academy Field.
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
- Graduation of Scholars
- Safe Schools
- A balanced and meaningful budget
- Ensure that the scholars are rigorously challenged so that they can be ready to compete in society once they graduate

Ms. Letitia McDaniel Politi
Years in District: Lifelong resident
Employment: Teacher for 18 years in the North Rockland Central School District
Teacher for 3 years in The Newburgh Enlarged City School District
AAS Fashion Design Fashion Institute of Technology
BS Production Management Fashion Institute of Technology
MS Special Education Mount Saint Mary College
Certificate of Advanced Study: School Building and School District Leadership SUNY New Paltz
Term Expires: June 30, 2026
MaryJane Politi age 16 attends NFA Main Campus
Augusten Politi age 11 attends Horizons on the Hudson
Levon Politi age 8 attends Horizons on the Hudson
Olive Politi age 6 attends Horizons on the Hudson
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On: I have served on the HoH Compact Committee and NECSD Talent Committee. I currently serve on the School Improvement Team at Haverstraw Elementary School. I coached Girls on the Run:Heart and Sole at South Middle School. I currently coach Girls on the Run at Haverstraw Elementary and I am a Coach and Co-Founder of The Newburgh Lightening Bolts.
Former NTA member and current NRTA member.
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one education accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education Member it would be... To create consistency in the implementation of programs, the code of conduct, security/safety plans, and make educationally sound decisions for the youth in our community.
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
Consistency, transparency, communication, and listening to the needs of all stakeholders.
Professionalism and serving as role models to our scholars.

Mr. Fred Stewart
Years in District: 39
Employment: Self Employed
Wallkill Sr. High School
Term Expires: June 30, 2025
Three all Graduates of NFA
NECSD Committees/Community Committees Served On: N/A
How would you complete the following sentence?
If I could achieve any one education accomplishment while serving as a Board of Education Member it would be... Increase literacy at the elementary level
What do you view as the Board of Education's top priorities:
Safety, Attendance, Accountability