South Middle School Scholars Enter Doodle for Google Contest

Google Doodle

South Middle School teachers Mrs. Hubbard and Ms. Cacace joined their first period classes of 8th graders to participate in this year’s annual contest Doodle for Google, creating 3D prints with the help of Instructional Technology Facilitator (ITF) Mr. Antonelli. This year’s theme was “I show kindness by…”

As a class, we discussed various ways of showing kindness in our school, in our community, and at home. In groups, students brainstormed ideas of how to illustrate these acts in a 3-dimensional design. While not everyone decided to enter their 3D design in this year’s contest, the students who did have the possibility of winning at the following levels:

National Winner (1): Having their artwork displayed on Google for one day, a $30,000 college scholarship, a $50,000 technology package for their school, a trip for Google Headquarters, Google hardware, & Googley swag.

National Finalist (4): Their doodle will be featured on Doodle for Google gallery, a $5,000 college scholarship, a trip to Google headquarters, Google hardware, & Googley swag.

State & Territory Winners (10): Their doodle will be featured on Doodle for Google gallery, Google hardware, an assembly at their school, & Google swag.

We all wish each student that entered the best of luck for all of their hard work!