Meadow Hill GEMS

Meadow Hill students learned about the benefits of cutting edge farming technologies, with a focus on aquaponics.  The classes explored and learned about young, innovative entrepreneurs who are making a positive impact in our world that relate to sustainability. As a class, we interviewed Rikalize, a teenage inventor from South Africa, who created and manages her own aquaponics business. The students asked questions to learn the details on how she developed her system, the purpose behind it and how it’s helping people live healthier lives.

5th grade science learned about sustainable gardening techniques using the Kratky hydroponics method. Each student grew their own head of lettuce only using water and special nutrients in a cup. The class experienced the entire process of growing vegetables from seed to harvest. Throughout the growing cycle, they tracked the growth of the leaves and roots in Google Sheets. They used practical measuring skills, modern gardening practices, working collaboratively and using technology with purpose.

Meadow Hill students are being introduced to and practicing design thinking strategies to solve real problems in their school. Each of the small groups focused on a different problem they wanted to improve. They used sticky notes and whiteboards to plan and brainstorm. The class then worked collaboratively using Google Slides to make a presentation. Lastly, the groups used Screencastify to record their presentations to be shared with a larger audience. 

The entire faculty at Meadow Hill has now received full training in Thinking Maps.  This exciting news brings Meadow Hill  on its way to becoming a certified Thinking Maps school.  The students, through model instruction and independent thinking, are analyzing, processing and showing their thinking through the embedded use of Thinking Maps.  
To meet the diverse needs of our students we have fully integrated our sensory room and sensory path at Meadow Hill.  Both the sensory room and path provide opportunities for all students who need brain breaks, refocusing, occupational therapy and behavioral interventions.  This addition to Meadow Hill has made an impact not only on behaviors but academic focus of our students as well. 

Meadow Hill has placed a focus on community service for the 2019-2020 school year.  We believe it is important for our students to understand the importance of giving back and what it means to help others.  Meadow Hill, in collaboration with community partners, have partnered up with each subsidiary of the Newburgh School District to serve our seniors.  At each event some of our students and families serve food, talk and dance with our senior residents.  At the end of the school year all seniors who participated in our events are invited to Meadow Hill School to partake in a Senior Senior Prom which includes dinner, dancing, prizes and conversation.