This is any bullying that is done by speaking. Calling names, spreading rumors, threatening somebody, and making fun of others are all forms of verbal bullying. Verbal bullying is one of the most common types of bullying. In verbal bullying the main weapon the bully uses is their voice.
This is any bullying that hurts someone’s body or damages their possessions. Stealing, shoving, hitting, fighting, and destroying property all are types of physical bullying. Physical bullying is rarely the first form of bullying that a target will experience. Often bullying will begin in a different form and progress to physical violence. In physical bullying the main weapon the bully uses is their body.
Sexual bullying is a behaviour, physical or non-physical, where sexuality or gender is used as a weapon against another. Sexual bullying is any behaviour which degrades someone, singles someone out by the use of sexual language, gestures or violence, and victimising someone for their appearance. Sexual bullying is also pressure to act promiscuously and to act in a way that makes others uncomfortable.
This is any bullying that happens over any technological device. This includes email, instant messaging, social networking sites (such as Facebook), text messages, and cell phones. Cyberbullying is one of the trickiest forms of bullying because it is so new. Many adults are not familiar with the latest technology, making it difficult for them to know what to look for or how to intervene. The weapon the bully uses in cyberbullying is technology.
If you don't believe that your incident fits into a category above, select 'Other'