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NECSD Recognizes 52 Seal of Biliteracy Recipients!
It's National Hispanic Heritage Month! As part of our celebration, we recognize the 52 recent graduates who earned a Seal of Biliteracy upon high school graduation, 7 of these scholars are English Language Learners.

2021-09-28 08:20:44
NECSD Pink Day - Friday, October 1, 2021
For the last several years, NECSD has recognized Pink Day to honor those who have lost their battle with cancer. The first “Pink” Day was established by faculty and staff over 10 years ago.

2021-09-27 14:29:34
Update to COVID-19 Communications
Beginning Wednesday, September 29th, the district will no longer send robo calls for every positive case of COVID-19. Reports of positive cases will continue to be posted on the school pages of the district website and the NYS COVID Report Card.

2021-09-27 13:20:24
MSMC Free Afternoon ELA Tutoring Programs at the NAUC
Mount Saint Mary College’s Collaborative for Equity in Literacy Learning (CELL) will host free reading and writing programs. Registration is required for your child to participate in this free program.

2021-09-27 12:48:29
COVID-19 Positive Case from Fostertown School
On September 24, 2021 we learned about an individual who tested positive for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from Fostertown School.

2021-09-24 14:47:26
NFA Goldbacks Varsity Football Kick-off Update
The change in kick-off time and increased security protocols are in place for the safety of our athletes, parents, community members, and athletics program. We look forward to all home and visiting spectators enjoying the game!

2021-09-23 12:23:43
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
Applications are now being accepted for the federally-funded Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) which covers households with income up to 80 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI).

2021-09-23 08:59:17
Schedule NECSD Student Vaccination (Pfizer), 12+ - October 12th
A Pfizer vaccination distribution has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 12th from 3pm - 4:45pm at Newburgh Free Academy Main Campus - enter lower lobby.

2021-09-22 11:05:51
REMINDER! Virtual Learning Interest Form - 2021-2022
The NECSD Board of Education has asked that a virtual model of instruction be considered for students currently attending programs in school buildings within the district.

2021-09-17 15:07:28
Reminder - NECSD Exclusion Date for Non-Compliant Students
This is a reminder that any NECSD student who is non-compliant in their immunization status will be excluded from school beginning this Thursday, September 23, 2021.

2021-09-17 13:47:13
NFA Football Game Tonight - Entrance Information
Entrance for tonight's football game will be as follows: Home fans will enter through the North gate also known as the Roe Street entrance. Visiting fans will enter through the Academy Field Gate.

2021-09-17 10:43:55
COVID-19 Positive Case from Fostertown School
On September 15, 2021 we learned about an individual who tested positive for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from Fostertown School.

2021-09-15 14:32:58
Virtual Learning Interest Form - 2021-2022
The NECSD Board of Education has asked that a virtual model of instruction be considered for students currently attending programs in school buildings within the district. The first step is to gather interest.

2021-09-15 12:00:22
Fostertown First Week Back Message from Acting Principal, Mrs. Mojica
First and foremost, I want to thank you for helping us have an amazing first two days of the 2021-22 school year! Our Fostertown staff and faculty have been working diligently to welcome back our young leaders.

2021-09-15 10:03:26
Fostertown Walkers Guiding Document
Drop off and pick-up will occur in the back lower parking lot, off of Brandywine Crossing. Please review the outlined procedures for Drop-off and Pick-up below.

2021-09-15 10:02:44
Newburgh Girls Code Club at Newburgh Free Library - Fall Registration
NGCC is a leadership development program of the Newburgh Free Library, for youth ages 10-16, designed to foster STEAM learning opportunities and close the gender gap in tech.

2021-09-15 08:47:55
REMINDER! District Closed on Thursday, September 16, 2021
REMINDER! The district will be closed on Thursday, September 16, 2021 in observance of the religious holiday, Yom Kippur.

2021-09-15 08:08:38
Regular Dismissal Times for All NECSD Schools - Wednesday, September 15, 2021
The NECSD is NOT participating in the Orange County early dismissal drill that is scheduled for today. The district will reschedule the annual 15 minute early dismissal drill for a later date this fall.

2021-09-15 07:50:22
We're Hiring! Join our School Meals Heroes Team!
Part Time and Substitute Food Service Workers Needed starting Fall 2021!

2021-09-13 09:34:00
School Bus Transportation Opt-Out form
The district is working to streamline transportation efficiency this year. Please complete this form if you DO NOT need school bus transportation for your scholar for the fall semester (September - December 2021).

2021-09-10 14:42:38
School Meals: Menus, P-EBT Benefits, and More!
Be sure to follow @NewburghSchoolMeals on Facebook for the most up to date information about school meals for all NECSD scholars. Additional information can be found on the Food Services page of the district website.

2021-09-10 12:49:56
NECSD Exclusion Date for Non-Compliant Students
As per the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), we want to remind you that we expect schools to fully comply with PHL Section 2164 immunization coverage and reporting requirements.

2021-09-09 13:59:57
NECSD Board of Education Meetings to be Held Virtually
On September 2, 2021, Governor Hocul signed into law the ability to conduct virtual board meeting effective immediately through January 15, 2022. The NECSD Board of Education meetings and all committee meetings will now be virtual.

2021-09-09 13:55:24
Office of Mental Health Announces New Video Series to Help Prepare for Return to School
The New York State Office of Mental Health today announced a series of ‘Back to School 2021’ videos to assist and support parents, caregivers and students as they prepare for the new school year.

2021-09-09 13:25:52
Family Information Questionnaire
Please take a moment to complete the following questionnaire. You contact information is extremely important, especially phone numbers and email addresses for school communication.

2021-09-09 07:59:10

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