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News Thumbnail Title/Brief/Last Edited
Vails Gate Students Grow Hydroponic Gardens
Vails Gate students in Mrs. Pearce's kindergarten class, Mrs. Vasquez's 1st grade class, and Ms. Anderson's 2nd grade class all enjoyed eating a salad grown in our hydroponics carts. Each grade level has there own hydroponics cart that they share on

2019-12-05 12:32:39
Vails Gate Hosts Annual STEAM Night
Vails Gate STEAM Academy hosted their annual STEAM Night on Thursday, 11/21. Families participated in a variety of engineering activities with their child.

2019-12-05 12:28:00
Kindergarten Selection Tours - Choosing the Right Path for your Scholars
Kindergarten selection tours begin throughout the district in December. Selection tours give families an opportunity to learn about the unique environments of each elementary school.

2019-11-26 09:51:58
Middle School Selection Tours Schedule
Attention current 5th grade scholars and families! Selection tours are an opportunity for current 5th grade scholars and their families to learn about the unique environment that each school offers.

2019-11-25 15:18:00
Kindergarten Selection Tours Schedule
Choosing the right path for your scholar at NECSD. Find out about Kindergarten Selection Steps & Important Dates.

2019-11-25 11:20:52
Hour of Code at NFA North - Sign Ups Now Available!
NFA North will be hosting the annual Hour of Code at NFA North Campus on Wednesday, December 11 from 5:30-7:30. Open to all students K-12.

2019-11-20 11:56:54
2019 Fifth Grade Math Meets Kickoff
NECSD fifth grade scholars across the district were selected to participate in the 2019 Math Meet Competition at the Board of Education.

2019-11-07 11:34:55
Vails Gate Hosts Attendance Dance/Pop Corn Party
Halloween Dance/Pop Corn Party for Students with Perfect Attendance for the Month of September.

2019-11-05 12:21:00
Teachers Work to Increase Library Card Ownership Among Students
Instructional Technology Facilitators (ITF) Mrs. Helen Zoutis and Library Media Specialist Ms. Cathy Gilligan are on a mission to provide access to free resources to scholars through Newburgh Free Library cards.

2019-10-29 12:59:32
21st Century After-School Academy Completes Successful First Week
he week ended with a parent orientation. Stay up to date on all 21st Century happenings by visiting our Facebook page where we'll be posting weekly updates and photos. The following photos are from GAMS.

2019-10-25 06:50:19
Greetings 21st Century families. We are happy to announce that programs begin tomorrow, Tuesday October 22, 2019
Also, on Thursday October 24, 2019 all 21st Century schools will be hosting mandatory family orientations as part of the Lights on For After school event. Information regarding programming and community resources will be provided. We look forward to

2019-10-21 10:36:33
Vails Gate STEAM Academy Host Bring Your VIP to School Day
Friday, October 18th, Vails Gate STEAM Academy Hosted the "Bring Your VIP (Very Important Person) to School Day" from 8:30am-10am as part of their Better Together initiative.

2019-10-21 09:06:02
We Need Your Feedback: Strategic Planning
The Vision 2020 Strategic Plan is in it's final year and we have already begun work on creating our new vision. We need your feedback to help guide our progress.

2019-10-07 14:20:18
NECSD Celebrates Pink Night in Honor of Those Who Have Battled Cancer
The Newburgh Enlarged City School District participated in a Pink Night celebration in honor of those who have battled cancer. Participants from several schools lined the track and marched during a pre-game ceremony.

2019-10-04 12:04:15
Save the date! NFA Dance Presents: The Princess and the Frog
The NFA Dance Department will perform The Princess and the Frog on Friday, December 6th at 7:00pm and Saturday, December 7th at 2:00pm. Ticket information will be available in October.

2019-09-16 10:19:10
REMINDER: Wednesday - September 18, 2019 - 15 Minute Early Dismissal Drill
The Newburgh Enlarged City School District’s annual drill of the EARLY DISMISSAL PROCEDURES is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2019. Student will be release 15 minutes earlier than their normally scheduled.

2019-09-16 08:20:03
NECSD Celebrates New Year with Inaugural Ring the Bell Event
The Newburgh Enlarged City School District celebrated the first day of school with an inaugural Ring the Bell event. The event welcomed students to a new school year and celebrated community members who have had a positive impact on our children.

2019-09-09 13:14:06
Welcome Back Letter from the Superintendent
The first few days are now underway, please take a moment to read the welcome back letter from the superintendent.

2019-09-06 12:33:33
2019-2020 Mantra - Shoulder Up
The mantra for the 2019-2020 school year is “Shoulder Up.” This year’s mantra can represent a few ways we can all stand tall, work together, and be proud of ourselves and our district.

2019-09-05 10:06:02
Bus Routes Available for 2019-20 School Year
Your child(ren) bus routes are now available. PreK and private/parochial routes have been added.

2019-08-29 15:55:38
NECSD Welcomes New Teachers!
The Newburgh Enlarged City School District partnered with the Newburgh Teachers Association to welcome new teachers to an orientation program.

2019-08-29 15:11:23
21st Century Summer LEGO® Robotics Program Showcase
t was an exciting day as our 21st Century Summer LEGO® Robotics Program scholars gave friends & family a look at their work at the summer showcase on July 24th.

2019-07-25 11:57:26
Transition Toolkits for Parents: PreK-K, 5th-6th, and 8th-9th
The Transition Toolkits give parents information on helping their students make the big moves in their educational careers a little bit easier.

2019-07-22 08:30:23
Snapshots of the 21st Century Summer LEGO® Robotics Program at Temple Hill Academy

2019-07-17 12:32:38
Supply Lists Now Available
Supply lists are available for parents to review. As more supply lists are provided they will be added. Pre-K and Fostertown recently added.

2019-07-16 13:50:18

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