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Top 5 Things Families Should Know for Phase 3
Please find the top 5 most important things families need to know right now for the transition to Phase 3. Please review the following news story. Additional information will be forthcoming.

2020-10-19 16:48:23
Family Survey - October 2020
Please take a moment to provide feedback about the overall learning experience of your scholar this year.

2020-10-16 15:01:36
New App Available for Scholars to Explore Age-Appropriate Digital Books
Newburgh Enlarged City School District is happy to announce a collaboration with SORA from Overdrive and the Ramapo Catskill Library System to provide scholars with the ability to explore age-appropriate digital books.

2020-10-16 09:59:42
Five Teachers Become Google Certified Coaches
Five Instructional Technology Facilitators (ITFs) have become Google Certified Coaches. This group of teachers is the first to be named Google Certified Coaches in our region.

2020-10-16 08:47:48
NECSD Virtual Pink Day 2020
he first “Pink” Day was established by faculty and staff at Heritage Middle School and has continued throughout the district to recognize all faculty, staff, and students who are currently battling or have lost their battles to cancer.

2020-10-16 08:02:38
Fostertown and Gardnertown Scholars Participate in Virtual Fire Prevention Day
Scholars from Fostertown Elementary School and Gardnertown Leadership Academy participated in a virtual Fire Prevention Day today! Each scholar received a virtual tour of Goodwill Fire Department in the Town of Newburgh.

2020-10-15 12:53:30
Fostertown Families: Dismissal Change Form
This Google Form will allow you to submit dismissal changes for your child.

2020-10-15 09:12:11
Updated Immunizations Requirements
On October 12, 2020, the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) is the entity charged with enforcement of the requirement that schools comply with Public Health Law § 2164.

2020-10-14 12:26:17
Harriet Tubman: Journey to Freedom Events
October 2020: Programs are virtual or outdoors as indicated.

2020-10-13 10:43:19
A letter from Superintendent Dr. Padilla / Una carta del Dr. Padilla

2020-10-09 17:58:34
NECSD Virtual Pink Day - Friday, October 16th
This year, the Virtual Pink Day is scheduled for Friday, October 16, 2020. We ask that our NECSD community wear pink or any color that represents a tribute to fighting cancer.

2020-10-08 10:54:01
COVID-19 Positive Case at Fostertown School
On October 7, 2020 we learned about a student who tested positive for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) at Fostertown School. Please note, this student has not attended in person this school year.

2020-10-07 12:49:14
Chromebook Distribution - Thursday, October 8, 2020
The next distribution of Chromebooks and/or WiFi Hotspots for those who need a device and are in grades K -12 will be on Thursday, October 8, 2020 from 4-7pm at Armory Center, located at 321 S William St, Newburgh, NY 12550.

2020-10-07 10:43:00
Student Health Questionnaire Information
One of the health and safety requirements for students who are currently receiving in-person instruction is to complete a health questionnaire every Wednesday before 9:00 am.

2020-10-06 14:12:53
Exceptional Learner Families: Services During COVID-19
We understand the necessity of providing each of the related services recommended on your child’s IEP. For the remainder of the COVID-19 State of Emergency, NECSD will be offering the option of related service delivery via Telepractice.

2020-10-06 12:51:23
Prevent the flu // Combatan la gripe
Fight Flu at Home and School. Flu, or influenza, spreads easily and can make people very sick, especially kids. You can help stop flu!

2020-10-05 14:29:56
Newburgh Freedom Quilt Project
A welcoming visual celebration of the Harriet Tubman sculpture arriving in Newburgh. Local creative leaders have been inspired by the oral history of quilt codes that supported efforts of the Underground Railroad in freeing enslaved people.

2020-10-05 14:17:21
Harriet Tubman is coming to Newburgh!
Starting on Monday, October 12, 2020, the Newburgh Free Library will be hosting a magnificent and iconic Harriet Tubman statue for two months. The 2,400-pound, 9-foot-tall, bronze statue of Harriet Tubman

2020-10-05 14:12:10
Two Collaborative Programs with Newburgh Free Library, MSMC, and Newburgh Armory
The Youth Services Department has partnered with Mount Saint Mary College, with support from the NAUC, to offer two programs this fall for children and teens: Knight Lights Reading Buddies and Time Detectives Online

2020-10-05 13:13:07
Information for Use of Personal Devices
As we prepare for next week there may be some students that may bring their personal devices to school. We strongly encourage all students to use the district provided Chromebooks.

2020-10-05 10:32:43
Video - NECSD Prepared Welcome Back Scholars
NECSD staff and faculty have worked hard to prepare each school building for our scholars to return! Watch this quick video to learn a few ways that our buildings have been updated.

2020-10-04 13:51:08
Arrival & Dismissal - Bus Stop Information
School bus information for scholars in Phase 2 can be found by clicking the link below and typing in your scholar’s ID number.

2020-10-02 09:05:01
Top 5 Things Families Should Know
Please find the top 5 most important things families need to know right now. Please review the following news story. Additional information will be forthcoming.

2020-09-25 18:48:23
Information for Families of Grade K-8 Scholars Regarding i-Ready Diagnostic
Scholars take the i-Ready Diagnostic independently, and the results show their teachers what they learned and what they are ready to learn in reading and math.

2020-09-22 14:00:57
Fostertown Families: Last Chance For Left-Over Materials Pickup
Fostertown still has several boxes of student materials left over from last year. Before we donate those materials, we are giving one final opportunity for parents to claim their students’ things.

2020-09-22 09:53:32

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