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Navigating the Family Guidebook to Reopening Schools
Read more about the Family Guidebook for Reopening Schools and simple ways to search the document.

2020-08-11 09:09:02
2020-2021 School Year Immunization Information
All scholars, regardless of learning style (virtual, in-person, hybrid) must have up to date immunizations per the Department of Health to attend an NECSD school for the 2020-2021 school year.

2020-08-10 09:11:24
Get Ready For Kindergarten Choice Boards
Designed to further develop school readiness skills and/or exercise those skills before going to kindergarten.

2020-07-28 12:48:41
Assistance from Yesterday's Storm
If any of our NECSD families experienced temporary or permanent loss of housing from yesterday's storm, please reach out to learn how we may be able to assist.

2020-07-09 08:08:23
Horizons on the Hudson Partners with Yale Day of Service to Re-imagine Newburgh Lake
HOH has partnered with the Yale Day of Service (YDOS) for a really exciting placemaking project inviting students to help reimagine the area surrounding Newburgh's Muchattoes Lake.

2020-07-08 09:33:52
Summer Meals Schedule Begins Today!
Beginning Tuesday, July 7th through August 28th, meal distribution will be every Tuesday and Friday only. All children 18 and under are welcome. They do not need to attend school at a specific meal location.

2020-07-07 07:34:11
Operation Reopen - Feedback Requested
In preparation for opening schools in September, NECSD would like your feedback. Currently, the Operation Reopen Task Force is examining and planning for multiple possible scenarios, which may include virtual and in-person school experiences.

2020-07-06 10:57:11
Elementary Report Card Information
The District has taken into consideration the multiple aspects of virtual learning during the extended school closure and has given thoughtful consideration to the third trimester grading process.

2020-07-02 09:47:18
Chromebook Distribution for K-2 ESYP Students
Chromebook distribution for grades K-2 will be held on: Thursday, July 2nd from 9am - 12pm and 4pm - 7pm at the Newburgh Armory Unity Center

2020-07-01 11:34:17
CSE Students Recommended to ESYP Program
Was your child recommended for the ESYP Program at their CSE Annual Review Meeting. Is so please read the family letter and complet the form.

2020-06-30 09:14:14
2020 Retirees Honored
We thank all of our retirees for their many years of service, dedication, and love that they've given to our school district.

2020-06-18 10:11:05
Talent Development 2020-21 Document Available
All scholars deserve the opportunity to learn in an environment that recognizes their unique strengths. Check out the Talent Development Document for more.

2020-06-17 12:11:15
Horizons-on-the-Hudson Scholars Reach Out to Nursing Home
NECSD scholars from Horizons-on-the-Hudson reflected on the feelings that our “community grandparents ” or other residents may have in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, and created encouraging and uplifting content in video form to brighten

2020-06-10 14:02:28
Statement from Union Presidents, Superintendent and BOE President
This letter concerning recent events in our nation is a joint state from our BOE President, Superintendent, and Union Presidents.

2020-06-09 12:50:47
Horizons-on-the-Hudson Student Belonging Pick-up Schedule
Pick up of student belongings will take place on Monday, June 15th between the hours of 8 and 11.

2020-06-05 06:55:09
A conversation with Kenneth B. Morris
You are cordially invited to attend an assembly with Mr. Kenneth Morris, great, great, great grandson of Frederick Douglass

2020-05-29 13:22:22
BOE Election Candidates Bios Available
The bios for the candidates who are running for the Board of Education are now available.

2020-05-18 11:51:44
Attention All District Families: Take the Annual K12 Insight Survey
We strive to establish an educational experience that spurs every student to excellence. As part of that process, we’re asking the community for feedback about your school. To make this outreach effort successful, we need your support.

2020-03-02 09:04:11
Horizons-on-the-Hudson First Grade Scholars Use STEM and Math To Create 3-D Robots
Ms. DiCola’s first grade class has been learning about 3-Dimensional shapes using STEM and Math literacy activities. Scholars worked hard in their GoMath lessons to learn about the attributes of 3-D shapes.

2020-03-02 08:10:45
Coronavirus (COVID-19) News and Information
The New York State Department of Health and New York State Education Department commissioners have issued a joint statement regarding the coronavirus. They have requested we share it with our school district community.

2020-02-29 11:50:31
Horizons-on-the-Hudson Hosts Blood Drive with the New York Blood Center
The entire Fifth Grade at Horizon’s helped throughout the day and Principal Glowacki as well as Mr. Matthew McCoy, Clerk of the Board, both did their part to give blood to save lives.

2020-02-21 07:54:50
The Colgate Bright Smiles Bright Futures Dental Van and Dr. Martin Visit Scholars at Horizons-on-the-Hudson
158 students were educated on dental care and received a dental care gift pack. This was Horizon's 4th year having Dr. Martin and the team from Colgate Bright Smiles Bright Futures program.

2020-02-20 14:37:36
HOH Happenings - Monthly Newsletters
Visit the HOH Happenings webpage to view the new monthly newsletters.

2020-02-20 11:29:25
Second 5th Grade NECSD Math Meet
The second 5th grade NECSD math meet competition was held on Tuesday, February 11th at the Board of Education Auditorium.

2020-02-19 08:57:48
Energy Conservation Improvements
You may be seeing or feeling a difference in our buildings! NECSD has been upgrading the energy efficiency in each of our buildings throughout the year!

2020-02-18 13:10:28

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