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Graduates, Diplomas Are Ready!
You may pick up your diploma Mondays – Thursdays from 8 AM to 12 PM in the Main Office at NFA Main Campus. Only the graduate may pick up the diploma. Please bring ID. If you received a cord, it must be returned in order to pick up the diploma.

2017-07-07 07:41:53
Congratulations to the Class of 2017
On Thursday, June 22, 2017, 602 graduates walked across Academy Field and received high school diplomas as the Class of 2017. Congratulations to all of our young scholars!

2017-06-23 12:25:28
NECSD Seeks Public Input on Bond Proposal to Make Newburgh Future-Ready
On Wednesday, June 21, 2017, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Roberto Padilla unveiled a bond proposal which will be put forth to district voters during the 2017-2018 school year pending Board of Education approval.

2017-06-23 12:06:37
Fall 2017 Athletic Information Added
2017-2018 athletic documents including fall cheerleading tryout information, start date locations, home game locations, and placement information has been added.

2017-06-21 08:11:25
NFA Graduation Information
Information on both the graduation ceremony and graduation rehearsal on Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 is now available.

2017-06-19 07:35:47
Extended School Year & Summer Program Information and Schedule
The Extended School Year Program is right around the corner. Information about each program that will be offered over the summer is available.

2017-06-13 12:49:15
Summer Meals Kickoff Event & Serving Locations
The Newburgh Summer Meals Program is having a kickoff event on July 6th at Delano Hitch, in addition, meal locations for the summer are now available.

2017-06-13 08:30:30
$105,000 in Local Scholarships Awarded to Graduating NFA Seniors
The NFA Class of 2017 earned over $105,000 in scholarships at the district’s Annual Scholarship and High Honors Awards Night on Thursday, June 1, 2017 .

2017-06-12 15:00:44
Reminder: Clarification for Last Week of School Schedule
June 21 and June 22 will be a full instructional day for all students. June 23rd will be a 1/2 day for HMS and MHS only, all other students on June 23rd will not attend.

2017-06-08 13:17:57
NFA North Band and Chorus Travelled to Disney
The NFA North Band and Chorus, led by Ms Hannah Butler, recently headed down to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

2017-06-06 14:51:44
Dr. Padilla Meets with NFA Student Advisory Council Members
Students from the NFA Student Advisory Council met with Superintendent Padilla earlier today to discuss the end of the year and the focus for the upcoming year.

2017-06-02 11:53:48
NFA CVRT Team Places 7th in the World
The CVRT Team has returned from London and placed 7th out of over 400 teams.

2017-06-01 08:45:45
Senior Spotlight: Meet Our Valedictorian & Salutatorian
Our Senior Spotlight Series will highlight different seniors throughout June. First up is our Valedictorian Katherine Gravel and Salutatorian Juan Peticco.

2017-05-31 10:05:18
NFA Fashion Design Students Host 2017 Fashion Show
Students from the NFA Career and Technical Education Fashion Design pathway held their culminating Annual Fashion Show on Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

2017-05-25 08:04:37
New Website Is Now Live
The district's new website is now live. We are currently making tweaks to get everything back up and running and hope the site is fully funtional by the end of the day Monday.

2017-05-22 07:12:22
Aristophanes' The Birds at NFA Black Box Theatre
Join NFA students as the perform Aristophanes' The Birds. On Friday May 19th at 7PM, and Saturday, May 20th at 4PM and 7PM.

2017-05-18 13:17:43
Unified Sports is a Huge Hit at NFA
Recently, our Goldbacks proudly took part in the first Unified Sports Basketball Games in Section 9. An inclusive sports program that unites Special Olympic athletes (individuals with intellectual disabilities) and partners (individuals without inte

2017-05-18 09:39:33
Night of Senior Talks at the Mount - Wed. May 24th
Come and join NFA North's seniors as they present their Senior Talks at the Mount. This year's topics range from greed and the economy to gender equality and cultural stigmas.

2017-05-16 12:01:45
BOE Election and Vote Today!
The BOE Election and Budget Vote will take place today, Tuesday May 16, 2017. Polls are open from Noon until 9PM.

2017-05-16 11:58:16
NFA Fashion Show - May 17th - Tickets Available Now
The NFA Fashion show will be held on May 17th in the NFA Main Auditorium. Doors open at 6:45PM. Tickets are available now in the NFA Bookstore.

2017-05-11 12:55:26
Come out and Support the CVRT Team
Come out and support the CVRT Team this Saturday at the Newburgh Elks Lodge at 356 Washington Street in Newburgh. From Noon until 6PM. Enjoy some food, fun, and friends, all for a good cause!

2017-05-11 08:27:12
2016-2017 Regents Exam Schedule
The regents will run from June 13 through June 20th. A full schedule of regent exam times and dates is available.

2017-05-11 08:00:19
Letters from Superintendent to Parents Concerning Netflix Series, 13 Reasons Why
The intent of this letter is to make you aware of the popular Netflix original series

2017-05-10 10:10:28
PowderPuff Football Game - Mon. May 8th
The annual Powder Puff Football game is May 5, 2017 on Academy Field at 5:30PM until 7:30PM. Gates will open at 4:30PM. It is free admission and there will be food for sale. Rain date is Monday, May 8th, 2017.

2017-05-10 09:20:25
NFA CVRT Heads to London for Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Drivers World Championship
The NFA Concept Vehicle Racing Team (NFA CVRT) earned 3rd place at the 2017 Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Drivers World Championship of the Americas on April 30, 2017.

2017-05-10 09:11:14

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