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Juneteenth Poster Contest Challenge
NECSD is challenging K-12 grade scholars to participate in the Juneteenth Poster Contest Challenge. Posters should inform, reflect, and commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US.

2021-06-14 08:31:21
NFA Graduation Information is Now Available!
Graduation information can be found below. Please read through the details carefully, so you and your guests are prepared to celebrate your final walk across Academy Field!

2021-06-12 12:53:00
NFA Main Senior receives the Anthony Mancinelli Award
American Legion Post 1796- New Windsor gave the Anthony Mancinelli Award to NFA main Senior, Mark Crook, in recognition of his academic achievements and his completion and certification in the NFA Cosmetology program.

2021-06-10 11:04:04
Scholarship Presentation Update
An update was needed to the NFA Virtual Scholarship presentation after the show was released. Please find the updated slide and information here.

2021-06-10 10:35:42
Orange County Rental Assistance
Find information from Orange County about rental assistance.

2021-06-10 08:52:25
Block N Celebration Information
As part of the Block N celebration this year, we will highlight each senior athlete via a virtual presentation with a drive through celebration to distribute recognition awards.

2021-06-10 08:33:44
COVID-19 Positive Case from Newburgh Free Academy Main Campus
On June 9 , 2021 we learned about an individual who tested positive for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from Newburgh Free Academy Main Campus. Please note, this individual has not been present in the school building.

2021-06-09 13:43:41
Letter from NECSD Superintendent, Dr. Roberto Padilla Regarding Masks
The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) updated its guidance for schools late Monday night.

2021-06-09 07:08:13
Weekly Wednesday Meal Distribution Information
Another weekly Wednesday meal distribution is approaching and it looks like it's going to be a hot one! This week each child will receive a 3lb bag of apples and a bag of baby carrots!

2021-06-08 10:45:27
NYS Science Honor Society Induction
The NYS Science Honor Society Induction is now available. We hope you enjoy!

2021-06-08 10:28:02
Block N Ceremony
As part of the Block N celebration this year, we will highlight each senior athlete via a virtual presentation with a drive through celebration to distribute recognition awards.

2021-06-08 10:19:09
Alternate Bus Stop Form Information
This is a reminder that If you need transportation to a before or after school child care center for summer programs or for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year, you must submit an Alternate Stop Form.

2021-06-07 13:14:03
Letter from NECSD Superintendent, Dr. Roberto Padilla Regarding Masks
Find important information and share your feedback about this topic. The deadline to complete this form has been updated and will now close on Tuesday, June 8th at 6pm.

2021-06-07 13:02:48
63 District Scholars Receive SUNY Orange Sojourner Truth Awards
For the past thirty-one years, in honor of Sojourner Truth, SUNY Orange (Orange County Community College) has celebrated its youth by awarding them for their achievements.

2021-06-07 10:28:54
COVID-19 Positive Case from Newburgh Free Academy Main Campus
On June 4 , 2021 we learned about an individual who tested positive for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from Newburgh Free Academy Main Campus.

2021-06-04 15:09:58
2021 NFA Scholarship Awards Virtual Presentation
The presentation will begin at 6:30pm on Thursday, June 3, 2021. A special thank you to our sponsors, who year after year, generously support the NFA local scholarship program and our NFA scholars.

2021-06-03 14:06:19
ICYMI: Watch our “Real Talk” Series AND Newburgh Agency Soup - Virtual Webinar
This event featured a panel discussion of NECSD psychologists and social workers, and special guests from the Orange County Department of Mental Health. T

2021-06-03 09:26:56
NECSD’s Fine & Performing Arts Department 2021 - Virtual Shows
Welcome to the NECSD’s Fine & Performing Arts Department 2021 Virtual Shows! Our department’s mission is to inspire lifelong learners, consumers, and participants in the Arts.

2021-06-03 08:30:30
NFA North Campus Teachers Enhance Natural Wildlife Habitat Project
Over a very rainy Memorial Day Weekend, Mr. Amer, Ms. Dunikowski and Ms. Miller came to school to work on the Natural Wildlife Habitat Project in the lower level parking lot flower bed.

2021-06-03 08:22:15
NFA Theatre Presents: Censored & Viral
NFA Theatre Presents: Censored & Viral a show that includes two one act plays in one night. Join NFA Theater on Thursday, June 3rd at 6pm.

2021-06-02 14:25:13
NFA Main Promotes Mental Health Awareness Month
The Social Worker team at NFA Main Campus promoted Mental Health Awareness for the month of May. The team handed out over 500+ green ribbons and community mental health resources to students and faculty.

2021-06-02 14:05:15
Weekly Wednesday Meal Distribution!
Each child will receive a fresh pineapple, and a pint of grape tomatoes as well as a 2lb bag of local onions!

2021-06-01 14:42:14
End of June Schedule for High School, Middle School, and Elementary (including Regents)
Here is the schedule for the end of June for Elementary, Middle, and High School students.

2021-05-28 12:07:12
2021 High Honors Virtual Presentation
Students who receive the recognition of High Honors are scholars who earned a grade point average of 89.5 of above. We have more than 170 scholars in this category, which is more than 20% of our graduating class.

2021-05-28 08:44:13
NYS Vaccination Incentive - Reminder June 1st Vaccination Distribution - Sign Up Here
Get a shot to make your future. New Yorkers age 12 to 17 who get vaccinated (or already have gotten vaccinated) can enter for a chance to win a 4-year full-ride scholarship to any public college or university in NYS.

2021-05-28 08:12:07

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Meadow Hill
New Windsor
Temple Hill
Vails Gate
Heritage Middle
South Middle
NFA Main
NFA North
NFA West